If you find yourself in Puerto Montt or Puerto Varas, you’ll no doubt find yourself wanting to get out and explore nature. One of the best ways to do that is a visit to the Osorno Volcano and Petrohue Falls. These two sights are often packaged together as a tour, offering visitors some truly beautiful scenery in one day.

While it’s possible to explore on your own, I chose to book a guided tour. I was traveling solo and didn’t want to deal with the hassle of renting (or driving!) a car in Chile. And with plenty of tour operators in Puerto Varas, it wasn’t hard to find a group.

Bright blue water in a river at the bottom of Petrohue Falls near Puerto Varas
Bright blue water at the river flowing at the bottom of Petrohue Falls

Booking Your Tour

I did mention that it was easy to book a tour, but I want to give a little more information. There are several tourist agencies in town that can help you book a tour, but your hotel may also be able to help you. I waited until I was in Puerto Varas and could talk with my hotel. They handled all of the arrangements and were able to get me signed up for a tour the next day.

On the other hand, I had looked online before I went to Chile, using popular sites like GetYourGuide and Viator. While I did find some tour options, the price for a solo traveler was insane. It was $45 per person for groups of two or more, but as soon as I changed it to one person, the price spiked to $90 per person. Obviously, I didn’t book online. It worked out for the best because my hostel helped me arrange a tour for 25,000 pesos (about $29 USD).

In addition, my hostel was able to guarantee that I’d be on a tour that spoke some English. While it’s not something I would have put a lot of thought into before, I did run into some issues earlier in my trip when I booked a tour to El Cajon del Maipo online. Despite selecting English at booking and arranging my hotel pick up in English, the tour was led entirely in Spanish. If you work with an agency or your hotel, they’ll be able to help you get the language you need.

View of the Osorno Volcano from Lago Todos los Santos
A view from the Osorno Volcano from Lago Todos los Santos

What’s Covered On Your Tour

Petrohue Falls (Saltos del Rio Petrohué)

The first stop of the tour is Petrohue Falls which is located in Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park. When you arrive, you’ll need to pay an additional 7,000 peso entrance fee (about $8 USD). As a note, they prefer that this fee is paid by card and NOT in cash.

Petrohue Falls

We had about an hour at Petrohue Falls which gives enough time to explore the area without feeling rushed. I visited on a day where there weren’t a lot of visitors, so getting good photos was a breeze. But I had a guide tell me that on days when cruise ships are in port (at nearby Puerto Montt), up to 2,000 people can visit the falls in one day. That’s insane!

So what do you do at Petrohue Falls? Obviously, the best thing to do is to walk to the viewing platforms to see the waterfalls. But, don’t just stop there. There are also some short hiking trails that will take you into the forest and down to the river. The trail (named the Lovers Trail, or Sendero Los Enamorados) is short and can easily be completed during your hour visit (with plenty of time to take in views of the waterfalls).

Walking path near Petrohue Falls
Hiking through the forest at the bottom of Petrohue Falls

All Saints Lake (Lago Todos los Santos)

After our visit to the waterfall, we drove down the road to board a boat. I was not aware that this was part of our tour, but I went with it (because what choice do you have?). Our group boarded the boat, going up to the second level for some amazing views of the Osorno Volcano, while our guide stayed on the first level and used a microphone to narrate what we were seeing.

We had such a perfect weather day, that this was a great addition to our tour, even if it does cost extra. This addition cost 6,000 pesos (about $6.75 USD) per person and had to be paid in cash.

Osorno Volcano as viewed from Lago Todos Los Santos
A view of the Osorno Volcano from Lago Todos los Santos


We stopped for lunch at a restaurant near the lake. Lunch was not included, but it was implied that everyone should eat. On a different tour, our lunch stop was a buffet for 17,000 pesos. On this tour, we stopped at a restaurant that had a view of the Osorno Volcano and several options for a menu del dia. I had a soup, salmon, french fries, and a bottle of water for 17,000 pesos (about $20 USD). While it may be more than you want to spend, the food was delicious and the view was amazing.

Volcan Osorno (Osorno Volcano)

The last stop of the day was at the Osorno Volcano. We had seen glimpses of it throughout the day, but it was time to actually set foot on the volcano. We drove up the windy, mountain roads to the ski lodge as our guide gave us a few warnings.

The ski lodge has food for purchase, but it’s incredibly expensive and not very good (which is why we went to the other restaurant). Additionally, there is a chair lift that will take you up the mountain. She said it was up to us if we wanted to do it, but explained that the views weren’t much different than what we’d see if we didn’t climb up the chair lift. Basically, she told us to save our money.

Looking up at Osorno Volcano
A view of the Osorno Volcano, from the Osorno Volcano

With that information, we were left to explore. There was a path of snow near the chair lift and a trail that went in the opposite direction. I took the trail to the right and walked out for some pictures overlooking the town of Puerto Varas. We had an exceptionally clear day, so the views were just incredible. I don’t know how we got so lucky because this area typically gets a lot of rain, but I wasn’t complaining.

We had about an hour to explore before we had to be back at the van. While you won’t be able to walk the whole path, it gives you enough time to enjoy the views and walk a little ways out.

View from the top of Osorno Volcano
Looking down at the lake from the Osorno Volcano

What to Expect on Your Tour

My tour included hotel pick ups and drop offs which was greatly appreciated. Our guide was wonderful and did her best to make sure we all had a good time and that we knew what was going on (even those of us who spoke very broken or no Spanish).

I got so lucky with the weather on my trip. It was a bit cloudy in the morning but by the time we reached Petrohue Falls, the skies cleared and stayed clear through our visit to the Osorno Volcano. I couldn’t have asked for better weather. But you may not be as lucky. As long as you don’t have torrential downpours and horrible fog, you’ll still be able to have a good day out.

View of the Osorno Volcano from a beach
The Osorno Volcano… Not a bad view for lunch

The biggest annoyance was the additional add on costs. I knew that I’d have to pay an additional entry fee at Petrohue Falls, but I was not aware that lunch (that felt mandatory) or that we’d be doing the boat ride. I paid 25,000 pesos for the tour, plus I spent an additional 30,000 pesos. Admittedly, 17,000 of those pesos were for lunch and I’d have to eat something anyway.

But before you think you’re getting a great deal on a tour, keep in mind that there may be extra costs. All in all, I spent 55,000 pesos (about $62 USD) for my tour, additional fees, and lunch that day.

When to Visit

Peak tourist season is the summer months, but because you are in the southern hemisphere that means December through February. One of my tour guides mentioned that when the cruise ships come in, there are just so many people. As many as 2,000 people can visit Petrohue Falls in one day.

On the other hand, many businesses will close for the winter months (June through August).

So, I recommend aiming for shoulder season. The weather may not be as great as peak season, but you’ll have significantly fewer crowds. I visited in October and had great weather, but I think I may have been an anomaly. I’d recommend looking at late October to November or March to April for your visit.

Sailing on Lago Todos Los Santos
A view from the boat on Lago Todos los Santos

Is It Worth It?

In my opinion, yes! Without a doubt, Petrohue Falls and the Osorno Volcano make up the most popular day trip in this region. If you have good weather, you’ll be sure to have a good time. My biggest piece of advice is to realize that if you take a tour, realize that the price you pay won’t include everything.

Continue Your Adventure

Puerto Varas: Considered by some to be the gateway to Patagonia, the town of Puerto Varas is a delight to explore.

More from Puerto Varas: The Osorno Volcano and Petrohué Falls is just one day trip from Puerto Varas. Another great option is a visit to the Island of Chiloé.

Santiago: So many trips to Chile start or end in Santiago, so it’s a shame not to visit. Plus, if you have extra time in Santiago, visit El Cajon del Maipo.

Chile Itinerary: For first time visitors, I recommend my 9 Day Chile Itinerary. Visit the capital city of Santiago, the beaches in Viña del Mar, and head south to Puerto Varas.

Chile Travel Guide: Check out my Chile Travel Guide for everything you need to start planning your trip, including itineraries, city guides, travel tips, and a detailed budget.

More Volcanoes: Do you like the idea of getting up close to volcanoes? Add the Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica to your list.

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