While in Santiago, I took a day trip to El Cajon del Maipo and met two Chilean women. We started a conversation and through broken Spanish, they asked about the rest of my travel plans. I mentioned that I’d be going to Puerto Varas and both women lit up. They excitedly told me how much they loved Puerto Varas and how it was one of their favorite places in Chile. I wasn’t sure what to make of that. Would I like it as much as them?

Well, their enthusiasm was warranted and Puerto Varas became my favorite stop on my nine day tour of Chile.

Now I’ll admit, one of the best things to do in Puerto Varas is to take a day trip to the surrounding area. However, Puerto Varas makes a great base and you should give yourself at least a little time to explore this city. You’ll find a few fun things to do.

A view of Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús from Monte Carlo
A view overlooking the church from Monte Carlo

Things to Do in Puerto Varas, Chile

Views Along the Lake

Without a doubt, my favorite part of Puerto Varas was the views along the lake. You’ll find a handful of marked viewpoints on Google Maps, but honestly, just walk along the lake. All of the views are good views.

On a clear day, you’ll be able to see not one, but two volcanoes from town of Puerto Varas. A path leads the way around the lake, but you’ll also find beaches (if you can brave the cold temperatures). Or try to connect with a boat captain to get a ride out on to the lake.

Osorno Volcano from the town of Puerto Varas, Chile
Osorno Volcano and the take on a clear day in Puerto Varas

From what I read, you won’t always be able to see the volcanoes from the town of Puerto Varas. Often, it’s covered by fog, so I imagined my trip would be similar to when I visited the Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica. I’d see the base of the volcano and if I got really lucky, I’d see the top of the volcano.

Well, I got insanely lucky and all four days I spent in Puerto Varas were clear. Yep, I somehow managed four clear days in a row. Considering I’d read blog posts from other travelers who said they got one clear day during a two week stay, I think it’s safe to say that I really lucked out with the weather here.

Parque Philippi

For a little more movement, head to Parque Philippi. There’s hiking and biking trails running throughout the park, but don’t worry, it’s nothing too strenuous. Just make sure to pay attention to the trails that you’re on. Several trails are designated for hiking only or biking only.

A view of the town of Puerto Varas from Parque Philippi
Looking across the lake at Puerto Varas from Parque Philippi

As you hike in the park, look out for some viewpoints. On a clear day, you’ll see the volcanoes, but you’ll also get some nice views of the take and the town of Puerto Varas.

Monte Carlo

Similar to Philipe Park, Monte Carlo is another park you can visit that also offers views of the town of Puerto Varas. As you loop through the park, you’ll also pass the stations of the cross.

A walking trail through the trees at Monte Carlo
A walking trail through Monte Carlo

Browse the Shops

Puerto Varas feels like a tourist town. There are plenty of shops selling everything you need for your outdoor adventure. So if you forgot to pack anything, don’t worry.

But beyond those outdoor stores, you’ll also find jewelry, books, markets, and more. Plus, keep your eye out of events in town. On my last day, there was a craft market going on just off the Plaza de Armas.

Market in the square in Puerto Varas
A vendor market in Plaza de Armas

Dine With a View

I’m not typically one to include food on these lists, but with a setting like Puerto Varas, I feel like I have to. There are so many restaurants to choose from, but I recommend picking one with a great view.

I was recommended Casa Valdez, which is more expensive than I normally go for. The view was incredible but my food was just ok. And to be clear, it’s not that the food was bad, but rather, what I ordered wasn’t what I thought I ordered. I think had I chosen a different meal, I’d be saying a lot more positive things about this restaurant.

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Sitting atop a hill in Puerto Varas is Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. You’ll be able to see the church throughout the town, but hike up the hill for a closer look. This church was built 100 years ago and was influenced by the churches in Germany. In 1992, Chile declared it a national landmark.

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Take a Day Trip

Puerto Varas makes a fantastic base for exploring this region of Chile. There are so many day trips you can do. Honestly, the hardest part is choosing which day trips you’re going to do. Whether that’s visiting Petrohué Falls, the island of Chiloé, or taking a bus around the lake to Frutillar and Puerto Octay, there’s plenty of options.

When to Visit Puerto Varas

Peak tourist season is the summer months, but because you are in the southern hemisphere that means December through February. One of my tour guides mentioned that when the cruise ships come in, there are just so many people. As many as 2,000 people can visit Petrohué Falls in one day.

On the other hand, many businesses will close for the winter months (June through August).

So, I recommend aiming for shoulder season. The weather may not be as great as peak season, but you’ll have significantly fewer crowds. I visited in October and had great weather, but I think I may have been an anomaly. I’d recommend looking at late October to November or March to April for your visit.

Wire statue along the lake in Puerto Varas, Chile
A wire statue at the Puntilla Observation Deck

How to Get to Puerto Varas

You can get bus connections to many places in Chile and even to Bariloche in Argentina.

For travelers who want to avoid a long bus, you can look at flying. There is no airport in Puerto Varas, but the nearby airport of Puerto Montt (PMC) offers connections to a handful of Chilean cities, including Santiago. From the Puerto Montt airport, you have two options.

Option 1 is the easiest but more expensive option. It’s to take a taxi to Puerto Varas. The journey takes about 30 minutes and has a fixed price of 22,000 pesos.

Option 2 is cheaper but involves more effort. From the airport, you need to take a bus to the city of Puerto Montt where you can then catch a bus to Puerto Varas. There are currently no buses between the Puerto Montt Airport and the town of Puerto Varas.

A trail at Parque Philippi
A trail at Parque Philippi

Getting Around Puerto Varas

While city buses exist, I found that I was able to walk to everywhere I needed to go in Puerto Varas.

How Long Do You Need in Puerto Varas

If all you want to do is see the town of Puerto Varas, you really only need a half day. However, I recommend staying longer to take advantage of some of the amazing day trips in the area. At minimum, I’d give yourself two days. This gives you one day in Puerto Varas and another for a day trip (or two day trips and a little time in the evening to explore the city).

I had nine days in Chile and spent three and a half of those days in Puerto Varas. On day 1, I had the afternoon to explore the city. Day 2 was spent on a day trip to Petrohué Falls and the Osorno Volcano, while on day 3, I visited the island of Chiloé. On day 4, I had the morning to explore the city before returning to the airport to catch my flight home.

Beach in the town of Puerto Varas, Chile
The beach in Puerto Varas, Chile

Final Thoughts

I was a little apprehensive about visiting Puerto Varas, but this city easily became my favorite in Chile. From it’s great day trips to its relaxed vibe, I found myself falling in love with this city and it’s definitely on my list to return to one day.

Continue Your Adventure

Petrohué Falls and Osorno Volcano: Without a doubt, the best day trip from Puerto Varas is to the nearby Petrohué Falls and Osorno Volcano.

Chiloé Island: For a tiny dose of culture and some great scenery, consider day tripping to the island of Chiloé.

Santiago: Spend just one day in Santiago to experience the highlights of this city. Visit Plaza de Armas and ride to the top of San Cristobal Hill.

Valparaíso and Viña del Mar: Visit Valaparaíso for its colorful street art and relax by the beach in Viña del Mar. Visit the towns separately or combine them into one awesome day.

Chile Itinerary: For first time visitors, I recommend my 9 Day Chile Itinerary. Visit the capital city of Santiago, the beaches in Viña del Mar, and head south to Puerto Varas.

Arenal, Costa Rica: For another cute, small town at the base of a volcano, check out the Arenal Volcano in La Fortuna, Costa Rica.

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